425 million dollar Powerball lottery winner hides behind check

425 million dollar Powerball lottery winner hides behind check
Wealth so no one will be mad if you get plenty . But in America it is a person who received a lottery so that they feared him and his private life seemed to be in danger . To avoid this, he now faces are hidden again . And then he did not even take a month lottery money .
According to the News Agency of Northern California Lottery was Povrbel B. Raymond Buxton . He ½ 42 million ( 34 crore 70 lakh 25 billion ) the amount won .
Two were picked to win the lottery
Buxton is also strange story of winning the lottery . He had to buy a ticket first . But later when they were having lunch at the station in the San Francisco Bay Area , he had to think that it is so large that at least one lottery ticket bought in order to increase the chances of winning .
