America Shocked By Drought, Inflation Will Rise !!!!

The severe drought has created a buzz in America.Speaking to reporters at the White House, he said, 61 percent of America is the land affected by drought. What's on dry crops.

He added that 78 per cent of maize to drought-affected areas. Meanwhile, 77 percent of the soybeans planted has been affected. He said 38 percent of our corn crop is considered poor, 30 percent of the soybean situation is worse. This year's harvest is expected to be much less than before. Vilsak said prices will increase significantly. Since June bushel to $ 7.88 the price of corn is about 77.2 kg. Bushel soybean price has gone up by 24 per cent.

Contingency plan to help farmers

He said the federal government's emergency program to help farmers announced. The government is opening some areas as pasture. He said, Stockman, given the rising cost of feed will start to reduce the number of animals.Vilsak said, in the early months of this year and next year prices will rise. Crop will be affected by the price of processed foods. He is expected to decline in U.S. agricultural exports.
