IIT invented: Transformer tell myself 'I am not feeling well'

After two years of work in the capital to develop a smart electrical sub-station exercise is nearing completion.

The message language is also very important. Before the transformer fault of his own lineman on the mobile contact and 'I am not feeling well "will explain. Transformers as well as lineman on Mobile 'Now I am OK Thank you "message will also flash.

According to BSES officials Chandra Kamath, now the software places in Central and East Delhi have been put to trial, where the Performance is being monitored. As soon as the practical test must be completed, it will be cleared for use in local transformers.

How much is this software

When power failure without waiting for a call complaining transformers lineman would approach his own with the help of SMS. The message will then feed into the chip position and if it did not act immediately on the next message to the person concerned will possess. If this is not the solution to the company's chief executive officer of the SMS on the mobile to contact.

What are the messages

I am gettin 'hot, becoming red, in the transformer oil finish Is About, Please Take Action Necessary. Adrwaij Fnkshning stop there. Thank you also to solve the problem then will be SMS.
