What is the God particle or Higgs Boson !!!!!!!!

"Discovering God" as soon as news of interest to the people of the world 'Higgs Bosan' or 'Higgs particle' or 'God particle' has increased. To gather more information about God's particle God particle but also on the Google search are spawned. As a result on Wednesday after being in Google Trends on Thursday, God Particle, Higgs Boson and the Large Hedron Collider remained in Google Trends.

In 1964 British physicist Peter Higgs of The Year 'Higgs field' was introduced to the idea. Year in 1965, the 'Higgs Boson' or introduced the idea of ​​the Higgs particle. Higgs Boson was still just a theory. The particle physicist of the last 40 years seeking out the world.

Higgs Boson will find the answer to the question of the same size individually mass objects individually Why does this happen?

Since the reported interest of people to learn about the Higgs Boson is increased. In simple terms, the smallest Bosan Higgs particle which is formed by the collision of two protons. However, it soon becomes lost.

What is the God Particle? What's the use?

Higgs particle Bosn or God concept of science which could not be proved by experiment yet. Evidence of its presence, they will find out why the weight of the particles. At the same time will also know how that must have been the origin of Brhrand. Higgs Bosn find out about the greatest mystery of physics is considered. In 1993, physicist Nobel laureate Leon Lederman wrote a book called The God Particle.

Load or something Drawyaman thing that she could keep her inside. Then you will not be something moving inside atoms and not join.Bosn Higgs particles in this field that has been said. Electrons, protons and neutrons are made of molecules. God Particle is the molecule weight. The weight of the particles is that they meet each other.

Scientific or microscopic particle elements share into two categories - stable, the stable and the unstable Anstebl. Which are stable, the particle has a long life. While billions are billions of years, such as proton particle number Anstebl not stay long and as much changes.

In addition, there are many unresolved questions, the answers are expected. It will be known within the earth where so much energy to get blazing volcano?

If the claim proves true to the God particle, it will prove that physics is working in the right direction. The Standard Model of physics will be confirmed and will also prove why that everything is solid.This is a huge blow for science and math questions to get up.

God Particle's India connections

God particle or Higgs boson discovery is related to India. Boson name derives from the name of the scientist Satyendranath Bose. Bose and Einstein had introduced a statistical Formyula, which describes a certain property of the particles. Such particles are called Boson.

Mahapryog at the CERN laboratory is the God Particle. More than 10 thousand employees and scientific work. These different - different places, including 200 Indian scientists. India's Atomic Energy Department and other large universities also have partnerships. The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and includes Kate of Indore. Mahapryog to be used in the chip is made by HCL in Bangalore.

Indian scientist Dr. Archana Sharma Mahapryog are involved from the beginning. Archana says, "It's like finding a needle in a hay-filled barn is large.

Native of Jhansi Archana says, "Nature and Science which our present understanding of all aspects that have been scientifically validated. We understand how the universe was created, it is incomplete the same link, which we know as theory, but is yet to confirm its existence. "
